Friday, June 29, 2012

Posted by adriani zulivan Posted on 10:01:00 PM |

Nyawaku di Tangan Bapak Becak

Kakiku dan Plengkung Gading
Pulang kantor mbecak. EW dan keluargaku tak bisa jemput karena lagi ke luar kota. Pasca bete dengan taksi di depan kantor yang tidak berhenti saat kustop, aku berjalan 200 meter ke perempatan, berharap di sana ada lebih banyak taksi.

Aku mampir ke toko snacks langganan. Beli beberapa bungkus untuk weekend ini. Sambil clingak-clinguk nunggu taksi, kuhiraukan pangilan sejumlah bapak becak. Hingga salah seorang dari mereka menghampiri.

Okelah, kata hatiku. Teringat obrolan dengan EW tentang taksi versus becak.

Aku: Aku lebih milih naik taksi, karena selain lebih murah, lebih cepat sampai.
EW: Tapi tahukah kamu berapa jumlah karbon yang kamu keluarkan untuk sekadar tiba dalam jarak yang tidak terlalu jauh? Lagipula, kamu akan membantu masyarakat kecil.

Sebenarnya, becak, di bawah udara dan kondisi lalin bersahabat, adalah kendaraan favoritku.

Naik becak di Jogja adalah naik jembatan shiratal mustaqim. Ah, lebay banget! Yang benar: Naik becak di Jogja adalah mempersiapkan diri ke alam selanjutnya. Ah, ini juga lebay... Hummm, memang begitu kenyataannya!

Becak adalah moda transportasi yang kebal hukum. Hukum lalulintas, terutama terkait rambu-rambu, seringkali dilanggar. Mana pernah becak berhenti saat lampu merah. Jikapun berhenti, itu hanya sepersekian detik, untuk pelan-pelan meringsek ke barisan terdepan (di zebra cross atau jalur berhenti sepeda), lalu wuzzzzzzzzzzzz ketika lampu NYARIS berubah hijau.

Kami berbincang banyak. Aku jadi tahu tentang ketiga anaknya yang nikah muda karena tidak kuliah. Salah satunya bahkan menikah sangat muda karena pacarnya hamil.

"Jauh juga ya, Mba!" kata Si Bapak sembari mengelap peluh, setelah kubayarkan uang sejumlah kesepakatan kami di awal.

Dari kantorku di Jalan Suyodiningratan ke rumah yang berjarak sekitar 4 kilometer, aku membayar Rp 25.000 + sebungkus snack yang kubeli tadi.

Selamat malam, Bapak Becak... Ah, aku lupa menanyakan namamu, Pak!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Posted by adriani zulivan Posted on 11:30:00 PM |

Keluarga Kecil Tukang Makan

Mas Pulung, @sintacarolina, @alexia308, @adrianizulivan, @joeyakarta

Setelah ikut setengah rangkaian acara Yogyakarta untuk Keberagaman (YuK) di depan Istana Negara Gedung Agung Yogyakarta, geng Tukang Makan bergerak ke even selanjutnya: Pasar Kangen (tentang ini kutulis terpisah).

Pose berlatar belakang ciamik ini merupakan ide @alexia308. Merupakan poster besar peserta pameran yang terletak di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY). Sebenarnya, bersama kami ada @sitasarit dan Memet yang tidak ikut masuk dan berpose lantaran tergoda barang loak yang dijajakan di depan pintu masuk ruang pameran (nah, tentang ini aku punya cerita seru!).

Foto ini diambil oleh @alexia308 via kamera dengan timer aktif. Agak khawatir meninggalkan kamera yang hanya digeletakkan di lantai tanpa pengawasan, di antara lalu-lalang pengunjung pameran. Namun, kami sempat dua kali berpose di tengah kekhawatiran itu :)

Inilah Keluarga Kecil Tukang Makan di Pasar Kangen Jogja!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Posted by adrianizulivan Posted on 9:24:00 PM | No comments

Si Pendosa

Lokasi: Bandara Soetta

Aku berdosa, sebab melakukan hal seperti dua gambar di samping. Uhuk!


Posted by adrianizulivan Posted on 9:24:00 PM | No comments

Mahluk Cantik dalam Toilet

Lokasi: Mc D Pondok Indah, Jakarta




Friday, June 15, 2012

Posted by adriani zulivan Posted on 7:00:00 PM |

Narsis di Pameran Lukisan Raden Saleh

Beruntungnya aku mendapat undangan khusus untuk melihat Pameran Lukisan Raden Saleh di Galeri Nasional. Tiketku dari Jogja pukul 14.30, berharap Cengkareng-Jakarta tidak macet agar tak perlu menangis di pojokan Galnas minta Satpam membukakan pintu. 

Dari Jogja terburu-buru dari kantor mampir rumah, langsung ke bandara. Nyampe Cengkareng sempat gondok dengan supir yang taksinya bau rokok :|

Akhirnya sampai juga. Ini edisi narsisnya...

Penangkapan Diponegoro


 Apa ya judul lukisan ini?


 Potret RA Muning Kasari

Sejumlah sketsa lukisan

Tulisan Raden Saleh ini menarik!

Kebangkitan Pendidikan Menggambar Modern

Potret Pasangan Jawa (1857)

Tulisan lengkap? Sabar yaaaa :)


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Posted by adriani zulivan Posted on 9:27:00 PM |

Needed: Reminder to Call Me Home

Pic fom here.

So the closest trip will be:
  1. Jakarta: Raden Saleh exhibition
  2. Surabaya: Trowulan Temple
  3. Makassar: Somba Opu Fort
  4. Denpasar: ...(which site?)
Then, I need reminder to call me home. Hahaha.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Posted by adrianizulivan Posted on 8:55:00 PM | No comments

Energy-saving Cook Stove, Sidoarjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo

Field Trip Report | Girimulyo, Kulon Progo
The Energy-saving Cook Stove
Sidoarjo Village, Samigaluh Sub-district, Kulon Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta
May 31, 2012

Travel Report
  • The trip began at 10:30 to 14:30. It takes 1,5 hours to reach the place. 
  • This trip was planned at 08.30am. But, we set off at 10.30am because we still have to do briefing after the video conference with Tyler finished at 09.30am.
  • We arrived at the District Office Samigaluh at 11.00am. We spend half an hour to hear from the staff of the village and noted a number of data. The village has not been electrified and their industries use renewable technologies 
  • For 20 minutes, our car stuck due to poor terrain. The roads is broken on the both side (right and left). Mrs. Supriyati has given a good point the way. At 11:46am a car can get through bad roads and we arrived at the residence of Mrs. Supriyanti 10 minutes later. 
  • In this house, we saw the design of the stove burner for use in the household scale. This design is certainly different from the design for industry. Unfortunately, we do not have enough time to see the designs in the industry group. It will takes 45 minutes away from the residence of Mrs. Suprapti. 
  • After looking at the design of energy-saving cook stove, we were greeted by Mrs. Supriyati and her  husband in the living room. We served with variety of snacks and drinks. We talked about the activities of Mrs. Supriyati on Energy-saving Cook Stoves campaign and other activities, including water supply in the region, for an hour.
  • We leave at 13:00 and make an appointment to come back. Mrs. Supriyati asked a week to search for the data about the surrounding areas that have not yet powered by the electricity.  So, we promised to return in two weeks, along with Noel, that will travel abroad by next week. 
  • Only need an hour to go back to the office, since there is no need to get lost and ask directions. Driver drove us to office and proceeded to take Noel to the hotel, then to the airport. 
Story from the field

Excellence using the Energy-Saving Cook Stove (ESCS), according to Mrs. Prapti: the smoke out through the chimney. So, it is not just spinning in the kitchen room. As a result, the kitchen becomes more healthy. Previously, cooking tools will be very dirty. Wood cook stove produce sooty smoke that makes cooking equipment are not only black, but also the walls of the kitchen and cook/kitchener. Previously, the entire kitchen in the village is dark and very dirty. 

Now, any cooking furniture is cleaner, no black crust stuck. This black crust usually extend the time to spent in the kitchen. Now the cooking time is shortened. If it usually takes four hours to completely clean up the kitchen cooking stuff, now it only takes two hours. These reasons are the most popular for housewifes. 

In addition, the ESCS also saves the firewood. In the past, people cook with simple stoves using firewood. Ithey need a bundle of wood every time they cook, it is now only half of it. Within a day, every household is able to collect up to three tie of firewood. After seeing the benefits ESCS for the sugar industry, they develop a similar stove for household-scale use, for daily cooking activities. 

There was no difference between the design of ESCS for industry and for households. There are only differences in size, where the stoves of the industries are more larger. They need only Rp 225.000 to make an ESCS for the household-scale. Not only the stove, the kitchen well ventilated room is also a concern. The manufacturing process through collaboration among the various craftsmen. Theys needed to manufacture a set of ESCS, such as pottery craftsmen and aluminum. 

They created a pilot projects in some area in the hamlet level. Each community who are interested, will got at least two pilot projects. It funded by the community. If not enough, we ask for help to Dian Desa Foundation with savings and loan system. People who make ESCS pay Rp 10,000 per month until it paid. During this process, farmers are not only invited to care for the earth and nature, but also encouraged to have a broader insight. When cooperating with others, there must be black and white. "We made a Letter of Agreement, so that the public is getting smarter," Mrs. Suprapti explained. 

Other industries that use this stove is slondok maker (snack made from cassava crisps, crackers) in the Munggang Wetan, Kulonprogo. 

There is one village where Mrs. Prapti got difficulties on elaborated the ESCS, especially in the central area of sugar producers. The working principle of ESCS require dry wood. Dry wood is difficult to find by local residents, due to a number of reasons: 
  1. In this area, land-own is limited, insufficient supply of wood. So that, there can be no wooden stock. Ideally, the wood is collected today can only be used after drying. Whereas, today they use wood that has been drained since a few days earlier. 
  2. Timber demand is very high, so the timber taken today will be discharged only for today. As a result, tomorrow should use more wet wood, wood that had just collected that day. 
  3. Villagers do not have a wooden storage shed, as in the Mrs. Prapti's village. This is the main issue in the use of ESCS optimally. 
Typically, above a stove they make of wood boards (loft) to heat the wood to dry. Intentionally or not, black dirt can fall into the food. It's not good for health. The front side of ECSC in this region is used for sugar, the back side for the wood that still wet. They inserted the wet timber to the back side of the stove. When it bocome heat and dry, then they removed and inserted the timber through the front. 

When introduced to the stove chimney (the fumes disappear), they can not receive, because they need the smoke to dry the wood. Affairs drying oven is a kitchen improvement constraints that have not found the solution 

Unavailability of good timber constraints. So they need of improvement efforts in order to clean the kitchen, while they still can dry the wood. "I hope this meeting can help me for a good design”. Currently, Mrs. Prapti been thinking about the design of the shape of the chimney is not straight. When it was explained that we can not make it happen, Prapti says: 

"A new appropriate technologies should be applied. This I have done with existing ESCS. I made a pilot, build not just one, but at least two units in each community, and with the community, we learned together to test the truth." 

"So, if your friends make new designs, but not to apply here, what's the point? If the test fails, the importance of this has been tested. How can you know that a proper design if not tested? If this can be developed later, I will directly interact with the community, because I do not build by myself. When I can get this design, I will bring it into the group, "he continued. 

About off-grid areas
  • The data we have collected are not valid. For example, the Kebonharjo village has electricity.  This data previously obtained from the local government. Powered, but not have electricity legaly. They use electricity illegally took from another home (nyabang). This is called a "bedeng", which in a hamlet with a dozen members of the family / home, none of the electricity meter. 
  • Sub-District Data: Wonotawang hamlet (30 households) in Kebonharjo Village, Njelingan hamlet (approximately 8km from the Sub-wDistrict Office). Later I will ask the RT leader (two days). Sidoharjo situation not too severe. 
  • Mrs. Prapti has contact persons in each village. She will contact Mr. Ward. In 12 sub-districts in Kulonprogo there are various forms of industrial activities, not just brown sugar (palm sugar). There are four sub-districts that have palm sugar industry. The others focus on natural farming (organic). 
About Persons/Informan
Mrs. Prapti was a farmer, driving an organic farm in the village. In addition to members of the Independent Sustainable Farmers Group, he also moved for Women Farmer Group. Outside of agriculture chat, Mrs. Prapti tuck the ESCS knowledge. 

"I share the information on this stove technologies to the farmers' groups, based-on what I can do. I am only concerned with peasant farmers, not part of Dian Desa. Our co-operation to facilitate farmers' groups," she explained. 

We can not impose the use of this technology. If they need, then they will ask by themselves, not forced. When they give a respond, then made a pilot. We give two months to put on, then the people who have felt his own benefit, especially housewife, telling it to others. 

Initially, in this hamlets we made one unit in my house, then another in another house. Currently, of the fifteenth member of the group, already use ESCS. Who are not members of the group had already come use it as well.

Outside of agriculture movement, Mrs. Prapti also active in the water management group, community management of the movement of water sources. There are a number of hmalet with have no clean water, but there live near the water spring. So, she helped the community to submit this issue to the government or NGOs, in order to pursue running it to the people in need. The main focus of this group tends to supply water for household needs, rather than agricultural irrigation. 

One way to watering is done with a gravity system, because this is the cheapest method. This has been successfully performed in Girimulyo with the support of all villagers in the process of development.  During this time, the people walk down the cliff as far as three miles without the aid of a safety device to search for water. A little off guard, life-threatening. TVRI and Dian Desa has made a video documentary about the history of this struggle for water. 

While the source of water in the higher elevation and unattainable by the gravity system, until now there has been unsuccessfully advocated, because of funding constrain. The region is located in an area Kebonharjo (50 families). Source of water in the river. The plan, they will make the river tank (ponds), and from this tub of water supplied to homes within 10 miles. Is necessary to drain the pipes. But, they have no funding to purchase this pipe.

When assisting a village, Prapti find out the local resources. For example, when looking at any source of water that has not been managed in a coffee plantation. Mrs. Prapti try to get into the community through the plantation. Through way, she push the local communities to cooperate for the provision of clean water. In other areas, when looking at the potential of a good nature, like two beautiful mountains, Prapti mobilize communities to build the Tourism Village. Transmit the spirit of organic farming was his capacity, but when a community has managed to move the organic system properly, then Prapti trying to find another potential can be developed for the needs of villagers. 

Adriani Zulivan

Friday, June 8, 2012

Posted by adriani zulivan Posted on 9:42:00 PM |

Kugariskan Sejarah Baru

Judulnya lebay. Namun itulah yang terjadi.

Sejak tiga tahun terakhir, aku menghindari jamu. Dulu aku cukup rutin minum jamu untuk datang bulan. Ini anjuran mamaku agar tidak merasakan nyeri haid. Setidaknya, sekali sebulan aku menegak minuman ini dengan suka hati.

Tiga tahun lalu, suatu pagi, aku beli jamu peras di pasar. Kuminum segera setelah sarapan, seperti orang minum obat yang dianjurkan "setelah makan". Anjuran "diiminum setelah makan" ini ternyata tak berlaku untuk jamu. Aku hanya membuat washtafel penuh air kuning. Muntah.

Inilah awal-mulaku eneq pada jamu, meski hanya aromanya.

Minggu (3/06) lalu, kuputuskan untuk membeli jamu setelah melihat penjualnya di depan pasar. 

"Bu, buat tambah darah?"
"Kencur-kunir," jawabnya langsung sigap meracik.
"Ini tahan samapi siang, bu?"

Jamu kuletakkan di kulkas, berencana meminumnya tengah hari nanti. Lalu aku sarapan lontong sate ayam madura yang beli di pasar tadi.

Pukul 11. Dua jam setelah sarapan. Kuputuskan untuk meminum jamu. Keluarkan dari kulkas, salin ke dalam gelas. Kuamati warnanya, kucium aromanya.

Kubuka lagi kulkas. Ambil pepaya. Kupas. Potong-potong. Makan pepaya. Satu, dua, tiga potong pepaya. Baui lagi jamu. Tancapkan lagi garpu ke potongan-potongan pepaya. Begitu seterusnya, hingga...

"Gleg!" seteguk kecil jamu lewati tenggorokan tanpa huek. Seteguk kecil lagi. Lalu pepaya. Pepaya. Pepaya. Dan jamu dengan satu teguk besar. Lalu pepaya lagi. Pepaya lagi.

Cukup, pikirku. Sudah seperempat gelas. Kufoto sejoli jamu-pepaya ini. Upload di twitter. Lalu masukkan ke kulkas.

Hari ini, barusan saja kulihat jamu tadi. Masih teronggok manis di kulkas. Okelah, paling tidak, sudah kucoba menggariskan sejarah baruku dalam meminum jamu.

Nah, besok kan libur nih. Mungkin ke pasar lagi, bisa cari jamu lagi...

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