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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Posted by adrianizulivan Posted on 10:30:00 AM | No comments

U.S. Ambassador Visit on Mother's Day

It was December 22, Mother’s Day in Indonesia. While many across the country were taking a moment to appreciate and celebrate their mothers, Robert Blake, the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, was visiting the Health Institute of Budi Kemuliaan (LKBK) to recognize the organization’s work in promoting the health of mothers and their newborns. LKBK is one of the five partners of the Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival (EMAS) program, a five-year, USAID program that is working to reduce maternal and newborn mortality in six provinces in Indonesia. 

On Mother’s Day, LKBK was hard at work conducting a focus group with key stakeholders to gather feedback on maternal and newborn health issues. The focus group included members of the public, patients, community health center representatives, doctors, midwives, and nurses.  During the focus group, a key theme that participants raised was challenges with the efficiency and effectiveness of the current referral system for mothers and newborns, which often result in delays in providing appropriate care during medical emergencies. 

To address these challenges, EMAS developed a new referral exchange system called Sistem Informasi Jejaring Rujukan Maternal & Neonatal (SIJARIEMAS). SIJARIEMAS uses simple technologies, such as SMS, to improve coordination and communication between health facilities. After the focus group, LKBK, which has itself adopted SIJARIEMAS to facilitate referrals, provided a demonstration of SIJARIEMAS to Ambassador Blake and the focus group participants.  

Adriani Zulivan for EMAS Indonesia.

  1. Dec 22, Mother's Day in Indonesia. Robert Blake, US Ambassador to Indonesia visited Health Institute of Budi Kemuliaan (LKBK). [Syane Luntungan/EMAS Indonesia]
  2. LKBK is one of the five partner of EMAS. Ambassador Blake give appreciation to LKBK for promoting MNH. [Shinta Kumala Sari/EMAS Indonesia]
  3. LKBK adopt the EMAS referral system called SIJARIEMAS. Anne Hyre, COP of EMAS is explaining to Ambassador Blake. [Syane Luntungan/EMAS Indonesia]
  4. Chees! Ambassador Blake congratulate all mothers who celebrate Mother’s Day & express deep thanks to LKBK. [Syane Luntungan/EMAS Indonesia]


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